DL Account
Q: Forgotten login email/password; how to retrieve it?
Retrieval of forgotten account or password can be done via the following links,
E-mail retrieval – https://card.dartslive.com/entry/mail_reminder.jsp
Password retrieval – https://card.dartslive.com/entry/remind_password_mail.jsp
All information must be filled in for the account/password retrieval request, you will receive an automated email within the next 10 to 15 minutes of request.
If you did not receive any notification, kindly click here for assistance.
Q: Unable to retrieve DL account
Kindly refer to Account retrieval for methods of retrieving accounts.
Should you fail to receive notification on retrieval, kindly fill in the following form: https://contact.dartslive.com/form/?page_id=717
Our CS team will revert to you within 3 to 5 working days.
Q: Retrieval of Lost training card
Unfortunately, League Department does not have access to training cards information.
If you have registered your email to the lost card, you can click here to request for your Card ID.
DL Card
Data transfer
Q: I misplaced my league card, but my team already started the game, can I still do data transfer?
Data transfer must be done before entering the LEAGUE Menu on DL2.
Any transfer done after entering the League Menu will not be recognized by System.
Q: I have a spare card; can I do data transfer to that card?
Data transfer must be done to a brand new/unused card.
If the card has been used before, it cannot be used for data transfer, please purchase a new card for data transfer.
Q: Misplace of League card, but there's league tonight. What should I do?
Kindly proceed to “How to do data transfer” for instruction of data transfer.
Q: Data transfer completed. What should I do next?
Kindly inform League Management (+65 9777 4778) with the following information for system update,
- Team Name
- Player Name
- Old Card ID (last 4 digit)
- New Card ID (16 digit)
Update will be done by the next working day.
Q: Can my spare card be used as league card instead?
All players are advised to have 1 league card for all leagues.
Once registered for League and league commence, player would have to do data transfer.
Click here for data transfer.
Q: Card just purchased, but Data transfer cannot be done. What should I do?
If you experience issue with your new card for data transfer, kindly contact League hotline at +65 9777 4778 with the following,
(a) 16-digit card ID
(b) Image of the front/back of the card
Our team will revert to you within 3 to 5 working days.
If you require to transfer card data immediately, kindly be advised to purchase a new card from the outlet for the transfer.
Q: Unable to transfer lost card data to a new card, why is that so?
Player must use an unused card for data transfer.
Should the data transfer be unsuccessful, it might be due to the following reason,
- Unused card has been registered before, on TouchLive or in DL App
- Games have been played on the new card
Kindly be advised to purchase a new card from any DL outlets before proceeding with Data transfer.
Q: How to do data transfer?
If you have lost your card or want to change a card, you can do a data transfer from old to new card with the following steps,
1 – Login to DARTSLIVE Mobile App
2 – Click last tab “Info” –> Card Page
3 – Click onto “Settings” on left lower corner for Card Information
4 – Scroll to “Member Settings” at the bottom of settings page
5 – Click “Card ID (Transfer Card Data)
6 – Input New Card ID for transfer of data
Once a data transfer is successful, your Current Card ID will be updated to the new Card ID.
– Data transfer can only be done to unused card (no games played, no account created, no card name)
– Once Data transfer is successful, the old card will be deactivated and cannot be used anymore.
– If you are in an ongoing league, kindly contact League hotline (9777 4778) to update your Card ID.
Dress Code
Q: My team member is injured and required to wear slippers for the match. Is that allowed?
If a member of the team is unable to be dressed in proper league dress code, due to injury, and must wear slippers and/or shorts (applicable to men).
The team captain is required to inform League management (9777 4778) before 6pm of league night and provide the following,
1. Player name
2. Team Name
3. Reason
4. Medical Memo/Report
5. Image of player current condition
Upon receiving the above information, League management will approve on a case-to-case basis.
Q: Dress code for Men
Men will have to adhere the following dress code during league nights,
(a) Long pants/jeans OR 3/4 pants (below knee) with covered shoes
(b) No Slippers, Singlets, Shorts
Player who does not abide to the above dress code will have 10 minutes grace period to change, else the player will not be allowed to play in that league night’s matches.
Q: File complain, Male opponent, wearing shorts during league.
Situation A, whereby player in wrong dress code has completed a match.
It is acknowledged by both teams that the dress code is allowed. All results stand and no adjustment will be made.
Situation B, whereby player in wrong dress code have not participated in any match.
Team Captain is advised to speak to the opponent team captain to inform them of the Dress Code.
Player will be given 10mins to change, otherwise, he will not be able to participate in current league match.
Dress code of Men, can be found here
Q: Opponent insist on putting player in shorts for match, even after communicating. What should I do?
If the opponent persists in putting the player in shorts for match,
Kindly contact the League Hotline (+65 9777 4778) and assist in this situation.
Q: Robin Hood in a darts match, is the darts counted?
What is a Robin Hood?
A robin hood in darts is when a dart lands into the back of another dart that is already in the board.
The tip of the dart usually becomes lodged in the shaft or flight of the first dart so they are stuck together.
In this situation, the dart is considered as not counted and no rethrow is allowed.
Q: Can players who are not in game be playing on other boards available?
Teams in an ongoing league game cannot use any other boards to practice during games.
Practicing during breaks or in-between games is allowed.
*This rule applies to all players in the team*
Q: Are we required to submit Team Match Line up before League game?
Teams are not required to submit team line up prior to the start of the league night.
This is to allow teams to plan their line up as the league match progresses.
Bust Rule
Q: Is there such thing as whole day bust rule for league?
There is no whole day bust rule for the league, bust rule is set by per medley of 0.26 (or, otherwise stated).
Q: How is the bust rule calculated?
The Bust rule is auto calculated by the League System.
It is calculated with a combination of past statistics & latest played statistics to calculate an average played rating.
We are unable to provide specific bust point, as it differs for everyone.
Cork (Bulls-Up)
Q: What should I do if my opponent insists Bulls-up is not required?
Bulls up is required for all games except for games with fixed rounds, unless otherwise stated.
If opponent insist on Bulls-up not required, kindly stop the match and contact League Hotline (9777 4778) to rectify the need of Bulls-up.
Should the teams proceed with the match, it is deemed as both teams acknowledge the coin toss and games played, result stands.
Q: Is Cork (Bulls-Up) required?
Yes, ‘Cork (Bulls-Up)’ applies to all games, except for games with fixed number of rounds such as COUNT-UP/ HALF-IT / SHOOTOUT.
Skip Rounds/Throw
Q: My opponent skipped his 3 darts throw in an x01 freeze game, is that allowed?
Players are allowed to choose if they want to skip their dart throw during check out round (Balance 20% of game point).
501 (Freeze), only allowed to skip throw when score is 100 points and below.
Q: My opponent didn’t throw his 3 darts, in a Cricket game, is that allowed?
In all games, players must throw all 3 darts in hand, unless otherwise stated. (x01 Freeze, Team Cricket)
Should any player skip their turn, when it is not allowed,
Teams have the right to stop the game in between and seek League Management clarification.
If player continuously skip their turn when it is not allowed, and League Management acknowledged, that round will be skipped to the opposing team’s advantage.
Tied Leg/Match
Q: We have a tie situation, what should we do?
If neither player finishes the game in the x01 Game, regardless of the remaining scores, the cork shall be performed and the player who throws closest to the center of the BULL wins.
The same order of throw shall be used for the cork.
Once a winner is determined, teams are to press and hold P4 Player button (Revise Winner for 2 seconds) and select Home Team or Away Team Win.
Once result is selected, teams are not allowed to revise the winner further.
Q: How do we select/revise the winner?
Press P4 Player button (Revise Winner for 2 seconds) and select Home Team or Away Team Win.
Once result is selected, teams are not allowed to revise the winner further.
Q: Bust match with final score of 4-4 / 3-3 / 2-2. How to determine who is the winner?
Bonus point will be temporarily awarded to the Home Team.
Press Button P4– Revise Winner for 2 seconds and select Home Team or Away Team Win.
Team Captain of both teams must contact League Management to inform them of the tie match night score. The bonus will be removed at the end of the league season.
Machine Issue
Display/Sound Issue
Q: Restart Machine but problem persists.
Teams can seek outlet management for a change of board.
1 – If new board available, teams can change to a new board and play as follows:
a) Enter League Menu
b) Press “P1” to restart the game
c) Re-slot both team player’s League Card (Players of pending game)
d) Continue with the game as shown on the screen.
2 – If there are no game shown on screen or no change of boards available, please use manual score sheet.
Q: Machine display / sound suddenly has problem during an ongoing game. Can we restart the machine?
Teams are required to complete the current leg, before restart of machine.
Kindly inform shop to restart machine with 10 secs interval.
(Switch off, wait 10 seconds and switch on)
Once restart, teams can proceed as follows:
a) Enter League Menu
b) Press “P1” to restart the game
c) Re-slot both team player’s League Card (Players of pending game)
d) Continue with the game as shown on the screen.
What should we do, if machine problem persist after restart? Proceed here
Q: Machine hang during an ongoing League game, but it doesn’t go back. What should we do?
Should the machine hang during an ongoing match, Teams are advise to to wait for 3 minutes.
If board does not return to game after 3 minutes, kindly inform shop to restart machine with 10 secs interval.
(Switch off, wait 10 seconds and switch on)
Once restart, teams can proceed as follows:
a) Enter League Menu
b) Press “P1” to restart the game
c) Re-slot both team player’s League Card (Players of pending game)
d) Continue with the game as shown on the screen.
What should we do, if machine problem persist after restart? Proceed here
Q: Restart Machine but problem persists.
Teams can seek outlet management for a change of board.
1 – If new board available, teams can change to a new board and play as follows:
a) Enter League Menu
b) Press “P1” to restart the game
c) Re-slot both team player’s League Card (Players of pending game)
d) Continue with the game as shown on the screen.
2 – If there are no game shown on screen or no change of boards available, please use manual score sheet.
Q: I remember our score before restart, can we hand press the score till where we were just now?
The online system updates on a leg-by-leg basis, hence all incomplete leg will not be captured by the system.
Previous score will not be considered, regardless of the score results.
Players/Teams are not allowed to press the balance score after restart of machine.
Teams will have to play from the 1st round of the hang leg.
Internet Issue
Q: Shop’s internet modem/router not working and cannot be fixed by tonight, what should we do?
If the shop’s internet is down before 7.30pm and cannot be resolved, the teams have 2 options to choose from,
(a) Play OFFLINE Mode
Both teams can play in offline mode and MUST write the names of the players present, the names of the players playing for which game(s) and the player’s game stats on the manual scoresheet.
– Bust Rule and special award records do not apply to games played when machine is OFFLINE and/or on manual score sheet.
– Failure to provide the necessary information will result in game(s) being voided.
– Both team captains must sign acknowledgement on the score sheet before submission.
(b) Change of playing ground
If both team and shop owner is agreeable to host the game in another mutual ground, please contact League Management (+65 9777 4778)
League Management will contact the closest shop and inform teams upon confirmation.
Both teams will be informed and will be given extra time, for example by 8.15pm to commence the game, depending on the distance of travel.
Q: What if the Board goes offline in the middle of League match, what should I do?
Team can inform shop of the internet error, and Shop can restart Router to check if the internet gets reconnected.
If Internet error persists after restart,
Captain can request for a Manual Score sheet from shop to record down all the Results of each incomplete legs at point of realizing the machine is offline.
If Internet connection is reconnected,
Teams can proceed to play as per league night.
Q: We will be slightly late for our game and would like to inform the Opponent.
Kindly contact League hotline (9777 4778) with opponent team information, we will inform the opponent captain.
Please note latest time for league to commence would be 8:30PM.
Q: There’s a situation occur in my team; can we request for postponement of league?
Teams can send an email to league_sg@dartslive.com to appeal for postponement of specific league nights, with valid reason.
League management will review the appeal based on a case-to-case basis, and update on appeal status within 3 working days.
Q: Opponent team / Shop Owner is not agreeable to the reschedule, can you talk to them?
Match reschedule must be mutually agreed between both teams and confirmed with Hosting Shop’s Shop Owner.
League Management will not speak to the opponent team to enforce the acceptance of reschedule.
Q: Can we push the league date to a later date?
All matches reschedule are only allowed to be brought forward and cannot be pushed back.
If the team requires postponement of league, valid reason must be provided and subjected to approval by League Management.
Q: How many days in advance do I need to notify League Management on reschedule?
Match reschedule must be informed to League Management at least three (3) working days before the actual match date.
Postponement of league match will be approved on a case-to-case basis.
Q: How do I get Opponent Team Captain contact for reschedule?
Team captain is required to contact League Management via WhatsApp (+65 9777 4778) or via E-mail (league_sg@dartslive.com) and a contact will be provided for liaison.
Q: We would like to reschedule an upcoming League match, what am I supposed to do?
Team captain is required to contact League Hotline (+65 9777 4778) to request for opponent team captain contact to liaise on reschedule.
Requesting team captain must contact both Opponent Team Captain & Shop Owner to get an agreement on the re-schedule date.
Once all parties agree to the rescheduled date, please inform League Management and we will proceed to arrange for the reschedule.
Q: What is the max increment of per team during the league season?
At point of any rerate, the Total Team Rating Points of Top X Players cannot be 6 or more points (SUPER LEAGUE) / 5 or more points (SUPER 2) higher than the point-of-entry’s Division’s Team limit allowed.
SUPER LEAGUE S4 Division Entry Limit: 21
Team Top 3 Rating at 1st Round Re-Rate: 27
In this case, 1 of the Top 3 players have to be replaced to maintain the team Division limit of not more than 26;
New player can only be added during the Window Period.
Window Period
Q: My new player is below 18 years old; can he still play with parents’ consent?
The minimum age rule was introduced to protect the younger players as most of the league locations serve beer/liquor and may not be a suitable place for the young.
In addition, some of our locations may have age restrictions entry.
So, even with Parent’s consent, player below 18 years of age would not be able to participate in League (unless, otherwise stated).
Q: My team don’t have enough player tonight, can I send in urgent request for player change?
All requests submitted will be processed within three (3) working days.
Should there be an urgent request, team captain is still required to send in an official email before 5pm and inform League Management (+65 9777 4778) via Whatsapp/Call.
Submission after 5pm will be subjected to League Management approval.
Player removal
Q: I would like to leave my current league team; I don’t want to play anymore. Can I do that?
Yes, each individual is allowed to decide if they want to withdraw from the team.
Removal can be done at any point during the league.
If you would like to remove yourself from the team, kindly inform your team captain and write in an email to league_sg@dartslive.com.
Q: Our captain is not free to write in, as a member of the team, Can I write in for removal instead?
As captains are the appointed representative of the team, we will only take instruction from Captain.
If any member were to write in an email for removal, we would not be able to process request.
Q: My team would like to remove one player from the team with immediate effect, how do I go about this?
Team Captain can write in official email to league_sg@dartslive.com for removal of player at any point during the league.
Should team like to replace a player, it will only be allowed during the Window Period.
Player addition
Q: What are the criteria to add a new player?
(a) Additional Player’s rating must be same or lower than 3rd (SUPER LEAGUE) / 2nd (SUPER 2) highest rater in the current team line up.
(b) If Additional player is participating in current league season, they cannot be transferred within the same Division/Flight.
Q: Am I allowed to add players to my team at any point during league season?
Changes to team Line-Up are only allowed during the 2-week transfer window period.
Please refer to league post (here) for the window period dates.
Q: Where can we find the Application for Change form?
Application for Change form can be found in the respective League post here
Captains are required to submit the form through email to league_sg@dartslive.com
All request submitted will be processed within 3 working days.
Player change
Q: My teammates is injured and unable to participate in league anymore, can I change player?
Yes, Team captain can find a replacement player, whose rating must be same or lower than removed player.
Kindly write in to league_sg@dartslive.com to request for change of player and submit supporting documentation (medical report) of injured player.
Request submitted will be subjected to League Management approval.
Q: Where can we find the Application for Change form?
Application for Change form can be found in the respective League post here
Captains are required to submit the form through email to league_sg@dartslive.com
All request submitted will be processed within 3 working days.